Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
The St. Louis Alumni Chapter

Welcome Home to Kappa!
Brothers, if you have been financially inactive, you may reclaim your membership in good standing status by bringing your financial dues up-to-date as follows:
Pay annual dues of $200.00
plus applicable "Housing or Reactivation" fee.
Middle Western Province: $40
St. Louis Alumni: $425.00
National Dues are paid through the IHQ Website (KappaAlphaPsi1911.com)
Create an account with your membership number & password of Kappa1911
IHQ will instantly activate your account and send a receipt
Membership Card for the year will follow
Middle Western & Province Dues are paid to St. Louis Alumni
Can be via Cash, Credit Card or Cash App ($SLAKappaalphapsi)
Life Memberships are a onetime payment of $3,500 or four quarterly payments of $1250 that total $5,000
You will then be able to enjoy the
Kappa Alpha Psi Online Community!
Membership in “Good Standing” has its privileges.
Come Home to Kappa!
Please contact International Headquarters at
(215) 228-7184 if you need assistance.