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Chapter History

The St. Louis Alumni Chapter was granted all the privileges and benefits in as full and complete a measure as the members of the other existing Chapters on April 19, 1921 by the Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.  The charter members of our illustrious Chapter are:  A.A. Keene; Edgar A. Brown; Louis S. Cloyd; Everett H. Colbert; W. Louis Davis; S.H. Duvalle; Ellsworth Mercer; B.F. Mosby; Jesse Jerome Peters; J.R. Pinkett; Leon W. Stewart; and Homer Wales.


The St. Louis Alumni Chapter is the home of the Guide Right Program.  It was conceived in 1922 by Leon W. Stewart, and suggested at the twelfth Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi; Guide Right then became the Fraternity’s national service program.  Jesse Jerome Peters, later to become the eighth Grand Polemarch, was chairman of the committee, during the administration of W. Ellis Stewart as Grand Polemarch.  That insured adoption of the Program as the Fraternity’s national service project. 

Members of St. Louis Alumni have played an influential role in chartering of numerous undergraduate and alumni chapters throughout the Fraternity.  

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